Introduction to Computer Systems

Binary and Data Manipulation


    This project was completed in CS2100 - Introduction to Computer Systems

                This project serves to showcase working knowledge of lower level computer systems, 
    		though we are utilizing GoLang for this project, the working ideas here showcase the ability
    		to work with binary and hexadecimal values, and how we can use these values in the real world.


    And here is the aforementioned code:

    package main
    import (
    // main function, will print out menu and go through switch case
    func main() {
    	var dec float64 // in GO there is no double, float64 instead
    	fmt.Println("Please enter your decimal value: ")
    // menu function to handle the menu and switch case
    func menu(dec float64) {
    	for { // creating an infinite loop to simulate do while loop
    		var input int
    		fmt.Print("1.) Convert Decimal to Binary\n")
    		fmt.Print("2.) Normalize the binary number\n")
    		fmt.Print("3.) Convert the exponent number to its corresponding number in Excess-3.\n")
    		fmt.Print("4.) Determine the sign, significant, and exponent binary bits.\n")
    		fmt.Print("5.) Exit\n")
    		fmt.Print("What function would you like to run?\n")
    		//switch case
    		switch {
    		case input == 1:
    			fmt.Println("Converting your input to binary...")
    			fmt.Printf("Your number converted to binary is: ")
    			fmt.Println(dec2bin(float64(dec))) // yucky go func call
    		case input == 2:
    			fmt.Println("Normalizing your binary... ")
    			binaryStr := dec2bin(dec)                       // convert decimal to binary first
    			normalized, exponent := normalizeBin(binaryStr) // normalize the binary string
    			fmt.Printf("Your normalized binary is: %s with exponent: %d\n", normalized, exponent)
    		case input == 3: // all the excess three logic is done here rather than in a separate function. easier this way
    			fmt.Println("Converting your normalized exponent into excess 3...")
    			// directly use the exponent from the normalization function to get the excess-3 representation in binary.
    			_, exponent := normalizeBin(dec2bin(dec))
    			excessBinary := dec2bin(float64(exponent + 3))
    			fmt.Printf("Your exponent converted to excess 3 in binary is: %s\n\n", excessBinary)
    		case input == 4:
    			fmt.Println("Determining your sign, significand and exponent...")
    		case input == 5:
    			return // return to exit for loop
    			fmt.Println("Input invalid, please try again..")
    // logic for "converting" decimal values to binary -- pretty sure this is working properly, perhaps my normalization is just poor
    func dec2bin(dec float64) string {
    	// okay, with float64 values, we will have to split the string into two different parts.
    	var integerPart int = int(dec)
    	var fractPart float64 = dec - float64(integerPart)
    	// convert the integer part to binary, ezpz uisng fmt. pulling straight out of compilation
    	var intBin string = fmt.Sprintf("%b", int(integerPart))
    	// convert the fractional part to binary, must use for loop here unfortunately cant get to format straight of of compilation
    	var fractBin string
    	for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { // only looping 4 times
    		fractPart = fractPart * 2 // using basic conversion here
    		if fractPart >= 1 {
    			fractBin += "1"
    			fractPart = fractPart - 1
    		} else {
    			fractBin += "0"
    	return fmt.Sprintf(intBin + "." + fractBin) // in GO you must explicitly cast to string return type, otherwise it will not print properly
    // logic to normalize binary
    func normalizeBin(binaryStr string) (normalized string, exponent int) {
    	// ensure there's a decimal point in the binary string
    	if !strings.Contains(binaryStr, ".") {
    		binaryStr += ".0"
    	// find the index of the first '1'
    	firstOneIndex := strings.Index(binaryStr, "1")
    	if firstOneIndex != -1 {
    		// extract the part after the first '1'
    		afterFirstOne := binaryStr[firstOneIndex+1:]
    		// remove any decimal point from afterFirstOne for correct normalization
    		afterFirstOne = strings.Replace(afterFirstOne, ".", "", -1)
    		// normalize the binary string
    		normalized = "1." + afterFirstOne
    		// calculate the exponent
    		decimalPointIndex := strings.Index(binaryStr, ".")
    		if firstOneIndex < decimalPointIndex {
    			// if the first '1' is before the decimal point in the integer part
    			exponent = decimalPointIndex - firstOneIndex - 1
    		} else {
    			// if the first '1' is after the decimal point in the fractional part
    			exponent = decimalPointIndex - firstOneIndex
    	} else {
    		// if no '1' is found, the number is 0
    		normalized = "0.0"
    		exponent = 0
    	return normalized, exponent
    // logic to find all sig bits
    func significantBits(dec float64) {
    	// this will have similar string parsing to normalization, just longer parsing lol
    	// parse for sign bit
    	signBit := "0"
    	if dec < 0 {
    		signBit = "1"
    		dec = -dec // make num positive for further parsing
    	// convert dec to bin and normalize
    	binaryStr := dec2bin(dec)
    	normalized, exponent := normalizeBin(binaryStr)
    	// remove leading 1 from the normalization
    	significand := normalized[2:]
    	//pull out the exponent from normalization
    	excessExponent := exponent
    	fmt.Println("The normalized binary is:", signBit+normalized+" * 2^"+strconv.Itoa(exponent))
    	fmt.Println("a.) Sign: " + signBit)
    	fmt.Println("b.) Significand: " + significand)
    	fmt.Println("c.) Exponent (E3): " + strconv.Itoa(excessExponent)) // convert string

    Example Outputs

    And finally, here is an example output with the fun terminal from the YT Shorts automation:

    user@root:$ go run DataMan.go_

    > Please enter your decimal value: 10 _

    > #INSERT MENU, What funtion would you like to run?

    > 1 _

    > Your number converted to binary is: 1010.0000_